Brand Expo Manual
We are pleased to present the Brand Expo Manual for Beauty Unleashed 2024.
This document has been prepared to provide you with all the necessary details ahead of the install.
If there is any information you need that is not covered in this Manual, reach out to Premier Events
directly at
Event Information
Build Day
Arrival to the Venue and Loading Bays
Prior to the event, you will be sent an email confirming your arrival time and directional, loading bay and car park information. Please ensure you arrive promptly at the time we give you to reduce congestion in the loading bay. If you arrive outside of your allotted time slot, you may be asked to wait until the loading bay has capacity or until your allotted time, if you are early.
Upon arrival, you will be directed by our on-site traffic marshals. Once a loading bay becomes available, you will have 30 mins to unload and then move your vehicle.
The traffic marshals are there to help you, so please be respectful of them and other brand's deliveries. Queue jumping will not be tolerated and will result in your vehicle being sent to the back of the queue.
Derig will commence once the event closes and all visitors have left the exhibition hall around 17:00 on Thursday 25th July.
Health and Safety Statement
As part of our commitment to Health and Safety, we would like to outline our compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAW) and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH).
In accordance with HASAW and COSHH regulations, we recognise the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for our brands, employees, contractors, and visitors. As such, we have implemented a comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy to mitigate potential risks associated with your participation in the brand expo.
The below PPE items should be used by all onsite personnel during set up & break down of the brand expo:
Hi-Visibility Jackets:
All personnel engaged in set up & breakdown will be required to wear hi-visibility jackets conforming to the appropriate standards. For avoidance of doubt only Orange or Yellow are acceptable.
Safety Shoes / Boots:
Brands or their contracted stand builders involved in setup, breakdown, or any tasks that expose them to potential foot hazards will be mandated to wear safety shoes / boots complying with relevant safety standards.
Hard Hats:
Individuals working in areas where there is a risk of falling objects or head injuries will be obligated to wear hard hats conforming to the prescribed safety regulations. You are to ensure that all personnel employed by you onsite are so far as is reasonably practicable adequately trained for the task they are to carry out and that you have supplied them with the appropriate PPE. We will conduct regular checks to ensure safe systems of work are in place and that the correct PPE is being worn. You are also required to have in your possession a copy of your own Health and Safety policy and risk assessment as well as those of each contractor employed by you, which may be requested during the brand expo. (Note: This only applies to companies with five or more employees).
Key Information
Audio Visual Equipment
Balloons and Inflatables
Car Parking
No catering is provided for stand builders on set-up day.
Lunch will be provided for brands for the live event (25th July). Tea, coffee & water will be provided throughout the brand expo opening hours.
On set up day, CBS Arena has a onsite sports bar, The Anecdote, and The Mill, which includes a brasserie and coffee shop serving delicious food and drinks. Alternatively, the Arena Shopping Park is an 8-minute walk from the venue and has a large range of shops and eateries.
The venue will help dispose of any recycling that is flat-packed and neatly stored. Any items left in the halls after 22.00 on Thursday 25th July will be deemed rubbish and disposed of.
If any large items (i.e. pallets) are not removed before the allotted time, a removal charge may be applied.
Common Areas & Gangways
During the brand expo, furniture and exhibits must not project beyond the boundary of your stand. Demonstrations must not cause undue congestion or obstruct common areas.
If you are sending anything to the venue using a courier, please complete the deliveries form. All items / boxes will require an event delivery label to be accepted on-site. The delivery label for you to complete will be attached to your confirmation email that you will receive once you submit the delivery form in the Essential Forms section.
Distribution Of Literature
Electrical Requirements
Please complete the Electrical Form in the Essential Forms area of the site to acknowledge this or request changes. To be completed only by brands not using Premier Events for their stand build
Equality Act
In brief, brands are responsible for ensuring that the design and construction of their stands provides for increased access for disabled people. This is not only about physical access to the stands for wheelchair users but also includes access to products and written information for people with visual impairments and access to the same standard of service for all other disabilities.
However, it is important to take account of health and safety legislation which has primacy over the disability regulations.
The Law
The Equality Act aims to ensure that disabled people are not treated less favourable by requiring that reasonable adjustments be made to enable disabled people to access the services on offer or that reasonable alternative means are provided; in the case of wheelchair access to a stand this could be achieved by the provision of a ramp but could equally be achieved by ensuring that assistance by suitably trained staff is available at all times.
Getting onto the stand
Brands choosing to incorporate a ramp for wheelchair access must ensure that this complies fully with the requirements set out in this Manual.
Moving around the stand and accessing information
Information and products must be displayed in a position and at a height that can be reached by everyone and to ensure that people can move about the stand with ease; circulation areas between stand displays should be at least 1m wide; goods and products should be placed at a height between 650mm and 1060mm and information displayed at a height between 900mm and 1200mm; where any of these provisions are not possible staff on the stand must be proactive in assisting people to reach the information that they require.
Writing surfaces
The typical height of a counter top is between 1000 and 1200mm which provides very poor access to the writing surface for a range of disabled people; where possible provide a low level counter section at a height of 760mm with a clear 400mm horizontal depth below and a gently raised edge or provide a lightweight clipboard or lap tray for visitors to write on; sufficient lighting should be provided at the counter and this should not be positioned behind stand staff to avoid silhouetting their faces.
Different sizes, shapes and types of seating should be available since a seat that is too low or too high or has inappropriate armrests or side supports can have an impact on visitor comfort; a variety of seating will accommodate those with differing mobility requirements. Seating arrangements must not obstruct access for wheelchair users or create trip hazards for people with visual impairments.
Flooring surfaces
No single floor finish is universally suitable for all disabled people but care should be taken in the choice of materials; flooring should be slip resistant even when wet, should not be highly glazed and should not create trip hazards at junctions of different materials; carpets should provide a firm surface to facilitate wheelchair passage and excessive use of underlay should be avoided.
Information and signage
The way that information is presented can impact significantly on the ease with which this can be accessed; signs must not create obstructions and glare from lighting should be avoided; avoid the use of high gloss finishes and internally illuminated signs; provide clear colour contrast between text and background and use upper and lower case text in preference to large blocks of upper case.
Colour Contrast
Colour contrast via usage of different colour tones will assist the visually impaired in accessing, moving and identifying stands. Reduction and prevention of reflective glare will ease stand accessibility.
Event Logo
Click here to download our event logo. If you require a vector file please email
Fabrics used in Display
Certain fabrics need not be proofed i.e. wool, twill and felt.
Textile fabrics used for interior decorative purposes within stands must be fixed taut and or/ in tight pleats (not draped) to a solid backing and secured 3″ above floor level, not touching light fittings.
Fire Safety & Procedure
In the event of discovering a fire, you must break the glass of the nearest fire alarm call point and/or contact the reception immediately stating that a fire has be discovered and state the exact location of this.
In the event of a fire
The following instruction will be heard over the public address system:-
Three short tones followed by: “Attention please, attention please, we are investigating an alarm condition please await further announcements”
If evacuation is considered necessary the following announcement will be made at regular intervals until the building is clear:-
Three short blasts followed by: “Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please. Due to circumstances beyond our control it has become necessary to evacuate the building. Please leave the building by the nearest exit, DO NOT use the lifts.”
Please leave the lounges quickly but without panic. Please leave the lounges quickly but without panic.
If all Clear
The signal for a return into the building is made by the cancellation of emergency procedures. Organisers, contractors, brands, delegates and members of public may be able to re-enter the building after clearance.
When it is safe to re-enter the building the following announcement will be made:- “Attention, attention. Please disregard the previous security announcement.”
First Aid
You are responsible for arranging any furniture required on your stand.
Please contact if you wish to arrange any furniture.
Height Restrictions
Internet Access
Music & Video
There will be background music playing within the exhibition hall.
The Performing Right Society (PPLPRS) Licence
A PRS Licence is required for all brands playing any form of publicly available videos such as CDs and DVDs. PPLPRS collects royalties on behalf of the composers.
It is your responsibility to obtain a PPLPRS licence, if you would like further information on obtaining the necessary licence, please contact PPLPRS on 0800 015 6454 or go to
Please note that the use of microphones on stands is prohibited.
Naked Flames
There will be background music playing within the exhibition hall.
Notification Of Brand Appointed Contractor (BAC)
Please note that brands are responsible for undertaking a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment with their contractors, specifically for the event.
When briefing your contractor, please ensure that they are aware of the stand-building regulations specific to this event.
Public Address
Regulations For Stand Building
Your site(s) are not provided with any walling. On divided sites, brands are responsible for erecting their own walls. Brands may not use the back of other stand walls without the consent of that Brand concerned. Such walls must be a minimum height of 2.0m and the walls must be dressed above 2.0m to a maximum height of 2.5m.
1) All stand structures must be completely self-supporting. Suspension may not be made from the roof of the brand expo halls, nor may any fixing be made to the structure of the building. Nothing may be drilled, attached or bolted to the hall floor.
2) Solid runs of stand walls along gangway edges are forbidden. All stands, irrespective of height, must have at least 50% of each frontage either open or fitted with (approved) transparent material with no more than a 4m continuous run of solid walling. Please take neighbouring brands into account when designing your stand.
3) Platforms – the provision of a platform may be regarded as necessary in order to cover some electrical installations and is the responsibility of the brand. The general height of the platform should be no more than 50mm.
4) Open corners of stand floors and platform shall be splayed, rounded or angled, if not protected by heavy stands, to avoid sharp corners and tripping hazards. Platform edges must be fully highlighted and the use of the platform must be included in the Risk Assessments.
5) Due consideration must be given to the needs of disabled visitors. If a platform exceeds 38mm, it is recommended you incorporate a wheelchair access ramp. If a ramp is included the gradient must be no greater than 1:12, the ramp must be a minimum of 1m wide and be in a contrasting colour to the rest of the stand floor. It is also recommended that handrails be applied to either side of the ramp to assist the less mobile and prevent slips/trips.
6) All advertising and logos must be within the specified height limits and must not be sited on back of dividing walls, especially where they overhang an adjoining stand.
7) All stand structures, signs, displays, etc. must be contained within the area allotted and may not project into or over the gangway.
8) All painting on-site must be carried out with water-based paint. Finishes having oil or cellulose base are not permitted to be applied on-site.
9) It is the responsibility of the brand to examine the site allotted pre-show in order to avoid costly adjustments to stand structures from any building obstruction or pillars, for which the organisers cannot accept any responsibility.
10) All work must be carried out using non-flammable material.
11) The Organisers may, at the expense of the brand, remove or alter anything in, on, or forming part of any stand if, in their opinion, it is desirable to do so in the interests of the brand expo.
12) The design of the stand must be such that it can be erected and dismantled within the time available.
13) All doors must have a clear window (min size 250mm x 250mm). If being used by visitors, the door must be min 800mm wide and give a zone of visibility between 900mm and 1500mm above floor level.
14) All glazing used in the construction of stands must be safety glass. It must comply with the current UK Building Regulations and relevant British Standards, including BS6206 and BS6262. Any uninterrupted, large areas of clear glazing shall be indicated so as to be readily apparent (for example by warning stripes, dots or logos). Overhead glazing shall be of wired or laminated glass, or be otherwise adequately protected from shattering.
15) Branding is not permitted on the back of walls overlooking neighbouring brands. Should there be a query regarding this onsite, the Organisers’ decision is final.
16) All speakers are to be positioned within the boundaries of the stand and angled so that they face inwards towards the centre point of the stand. Noise output will be monitored on-site and the Organisers reserve the right to terminate any display causing a nuisance.
17) Barriers are required to protect exposed edges of stairs, landings, balconies and other changes of level exceeding 380mm.
18) Brands are responsible for ensuring their stand contractor employs safe working practices and are aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
19) Lone working, especially after-hours, is not permitted on-site. All persons must have a colleague to assist them where suitable.
If a ramp is not practical or safe, then brands must ensure that compliance measures to the Equality Act are included in the open period Risk Assessment e.g products clearly displayed on the perimeter of stands.
Details of ‘super platforms’ (at a height of 600mm or more) to which persons have access must be submitted to the Organiser for approval of the Authorities. Please note that this is classified as a complex structure, therefore notification must be sent to the brand expo team no later than 2 months prior to the event including full structural calculations.
The flooring must not be less than a nominal 25mm thick. Platforms must be of a strength and stability to carry and distribute the weight of stand fittings, displays, stand personnel and visitors having regard to the live loading limits of the floors.
Please also refer to:
- Contractors
- Electrical installations
- Equality Act
- Height restrictions
- Health and safety
- Stand fitting regulations above that apply to all stands within the brand expo.
Risk Assessment, Method Statements And PLI
All contractors must also ensure that their risk assessment covers the entire duration of the event i.e. build-up, the open period and breakdown.
Sampling Bags
Please complete the Sampling bag form in the Essential Forms section to let us know if you will be providing a product for the sampling bags by Wednesday 26th June.
Please help us to moderate the weight of the bag, by contributing travel size samples, if possible.
Please also note all products to be included in the Sampling Bag need to be delivered to Premier Events between Monday 1st July and Wednesday 10th July. Premier Events will then arrange transport of these items to site. A delivery label template will be shared with you as part of your Sampling Bag form confirmation.
The organisers will implement comprehensive security cover throughout tenancy for Sainsburys Beauty Unleashed 2024. The following precautions will help reduce the risk of theft from your stand:
1) Be especially vigilant during the build and break down periods.
2) Ensure that your stand is manned well before the show opens and until all visitors have left the venue at show close.
3) Secure items of value, particularly personal effects, mobile phones, handbags, briefcases, and laptop computers. These items are targets for thieves and should be kept securely.
4) At night, lock away items of value or if possible, take them with you.
5) If you see anything suspicious or anybody acting suspiciously, please report to a member of venue staff or the brand expo team. Inform them of the nature and location of the problem.
We advise you not leave any items unattended on your stand. The brand expo team and CBS Arena cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage. We strongly advise that you have adequate insurance in place.
Special Effects
Stand Dressing
Stand Number
Stand Plan Approval
Please be advised that there is no facility on site for additional storage.
Event Countdown
The countdown to this event is over!